Saturday, November 7, 2009

a case study: the role of design aesthetic in a successful business

Spotted at Granville and Davie. ABC International Travel; the most trusted name for your worldwide travel needs. What makes this business so successful (not to mention a cash cow!) is it's brilliant use of inspired design to create a well-rounded experience.

The architectural design of the building's storefront excellently conveys an approachable yet sophisticated feeling. Always considering target demographics, it's a beacon of class that welcomes clients into it's doors instilling a feeling of confidence that says "you're in the hands of experts".

The proudly displayed storefront sign is the brainchild of a top Vancouver design agency. Great forethought and planning is exhibited in it's layout. The use of quality materials and sophisticated printing methods will withstand the test of time (a good thing, as this booming business isn't going anywhere!).

Indeed we could all take a page from the brilliant minds behind this establishment. It's work is expected to win big at this year's Lotus Awards.

531 questions

Spotted on the False Creek North Seawall. I’m madly curious about the meaning behind this arbitrary sidewalk graffiti. It probably has something to do with record scratching, but it’s fun to think of who else it could have been left by. A victim of chronic psoriasis? A cat owner at their wits end?

parking lots

Spotted at Burnaby and Thurlow.
The glass-half-full assessment of this situation would mean that the owner of this car has supernatural parallel parking abilities that rival even that of my own.

seizing opportunity

Spotted at the Quizno’s on Davie and Thurlow on the eve of Vancouver’s Celebration of Light fireworks show. This brilliant and well thought-out marketing initiative no doubt brought about record breaking sales.

Note: This sign was printed on the back of a spam fax, another profoundly effective form of advertising.

yet another misplaced passion of mine

There are a few song lyrics that I truly can't stand. So commonplace and overused. I find myself bothered and depressed at the dulled simplicity of the songwriter's mind.

“Put your hands in the air, wave them like you just don’t care”
“My name is ___ and I’m here to say…”

“Turn around, touch the ground”.

Similarly, I’m irritated by any book, essay, article, etc that regurgitates the clichéd quote “If you want to write, you should start by writing what you know.”

i'd like to be in the room...

…where it’s decided that the individual words that make up a common phrase are officially grouped together and indicted into the dictionary. Nonetheless, nevermore, altogether, etc.

Not unlike Cardinals in Conclave, the atmosphere must feel charged with the solemn dignity of determining something so significant and official. Then the excitement that must ensue at this meetings conclusion. There are announcements to be made, parties to be notified, and satisfied feelings of accomplishment to be relished in.

dress to impress

Party invitations have the most unoriginal dress codes. Just for fun, why not keep your guests on their toes at the next shindig you throw with something a little more creative:

Conservative Bourgeoisie
Business Denim

Pragmatic Hipster
Yoga Black Tie

It should be noted that regardless of the regulations given, any party thrown in Vancouver will yield at least one guest who shows up in jeans.


Spotted at Denman and Gilford. The Sylvia Hotel. This picture doesn't do it justice, but the leaves that cover the side of the building gradiate from the most vibrant red to the deepest green. It's like when you microwave a frozen dinner and parts of it can never seem to heat up.

thought path

Spotted on a damp pathway in Deep Cove. I could get lost in thought for hours thinking about this. Who was the owner of this ill-fated pocketful of Reese’s Pieces and change? What caused the spill? A nasty fall? (this thought causes me to giggle to myself.) Did they bend over and collect what they considered to be the salvageable pieces ("This one only has a little bit of mud on it!") and the remainder seen here is what they deemed unpalatable?